Monday, April 4, 2011

Ms. Milonoscky

Peace Corps throughout the world has 3 main goals:
(borrowed from the PC website):
  1. Helping the people of interested countries in meeting their need for trained men and women.
  2. Helping promote a better understanding of Americans on the part of the peoples served.
  3. Helping promote a better understanding of other peoples on the part of Americans.
To fulfill this 3rd goal, PC has a program called World Wise School where they match Peace Corps volunteers with a classroom in the States to exchange letters or any information about what the volunteer's life is like in their host country. Since my sister, Anna is an elementary school English teacher in a bilingual Catholic school in Chicago, we joined this program together and every once in a while I get letters from her 2nd grade students. They ask me questions and tell me little things about themselves like their birthdays, things about their pets and their favorite activities. They always provide a good laugh and I wanted to share some of the highlights:
note: I've left spelling and grammar mostly uncorrected although it should not be a reflection at all on the teaching skills of my sister- they all say she's a wonderful teacher :)

Grace I'm good and I 8 yers old. And I like video games. And I believe in God. Grace? Whats the whether in Ecuador?

Grace I love this place I go to school and my teacher is your sister Ms. Milonoscky

Your sister is relly nice i hope you ar too.

You lak to play at the park? You toc in Japonese?

You read books you like pizza oro hot dogs?

is pretty ther hor is ugly ther?

(This one is one of my favorites!) Dear Grace, I hope you are happy and I hope that everyday you have God in your heart and have Jesus in you love. And Mary in your brain and you live in a very nice house and you have a good life.

How is Europe?

I want to know about your life if there are crocodiles and sharks or bears or a lot of sun.

Dear Grace, i am a girl. Dear Grace, i hope you feel better. Dear Grace my favorite color is pink. Dear Grace i like to sing in chorus. Dear Grace i also like to dance.

Dear Grace I have a question for you. What do they wear and why?

I would like to know what type of animals are in the rainforest and if it is a scary place to go.

Dear Grace I'm 8 years old i'm in 2nd i lost 1 year because i was born on September 3 my hair is a little big.

Dear Grace how is Ecuador your okay with your new famaly. want one day you come to visit us. I think if i see you i will say your pretty. I want to go to Ecudor. I relly want to see you Grace.

Dear Grace Hi is it hot at Ecuador. And me name is Elizabeth. and my teacher is your sister. Do you had a job. You sister is so nice.

Grace im 8 years old and I like the dogs so much and I belive in god.

Grace make this for you becus your sister mis you so much. I hope you come back.

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